Hydrangea Leaf Discoloration

/Tag:Hydrangea Leaf Discoloration

Hydrangea Leaf Discoloration

It was a very rough winter for hydrangeas. It would not be fair to you or the plant to compare last year to this year…sadly. Your plant could be a little stressed, from lack of water or even too much water, or the recent cold weather, or even the recent heat wave. You may want to take a sample to a local nursery for id and recommended solutions.It looks like the damage is on the lower part of the plant which makes me suspect dog or cat urine on a regular basis? If this is not the case, look to see if the plant is planted too deeply or is it in area that stays too wet.? If the problem continues we suggest that you take a sample of healthy and dying twigs to the local extension office or to a local nursery for better identification.

By | 2016-03-22T07:26:57-07:00 March 22nd, 2016|Perennials|0 Comments