Dog Vomit Fungus

/Tag:Dog Vomit Fungus

Dog Vomit Fungus

Fuligo septica is a species of slime mold. It is commonly known as the dog vomit slime mold or scrambled egg slime because of its peculiar yellowish, bile-colored appearance. A common species with a worldwide distribution, it is often found on bark mulch or in lawns in urban areas after heavy rain or excessive watering. Their spores are spread by wind. To remove the mold, be sure to dig it while it still looks like vomit. Once it powders and spreads, you can get a giant mold problem in the garden. Dig out the mold entirely and throw it out. Do not burn it. Do not compost it. Then wash all the tools and gloves you used with a weak bleach mixture as it can recontaminate your yard later. Be sure to cut back on the watering of the lawn for a while. Best of luck!

By | 2016-03-19T23:24:15-07:00 March 19th, 2016|Plant Diseases|11 Comments