Musgraveia sulciventris or bronze orange bug when young are a dark green turning to a bright orange when mature. Seen typically in coastal districts, they are a native pest of citrus and in spring and summer they suck sap from young shoots, leaves and flowers or fruit stems causing the fruit to fall prematurely. If you see them, pluck them off and get rid of them – stomp and squish. If there are too many to control, there are organic products such as those containing Neem oil or Spinosad. To keep them out of the garden, be careful what you compost – leave out infested plant material – and keep the area around the garden weed-free to reduce their overwintering habitat. Also be aware that when they are disturbed, they can squirt a foul smelling chemical in the attacker’s direction that stains the skin and causes a burning sensation if it gets in the eyes. A systemic containing imidicloprid is another option such as Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control. Suggest you visit your local garden center to decide which option you would like to use.
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