

Moss Prevention In The Garden

Moss is an opportunistic plant in the mild wet NW landscape. When soils are compacted, lacking nutrition and aeration (lack of drainage) you get moss and more commonly weeds. When you fix the problem that is shown by the symptom (moss) then you will no more have a moss problem.
Steps for resolving moss/weed issues;
1) Make sure that you gently cultivate your soil in the open and unplanted areas once per year with a tool like a "Winged Weeder", "Scuffle Hoe" or "Hula Hoe". No need to go deep or overwork the soil as this can have adverse effects as well.
2) Top dress your open, unplanted spaces with a layer of 1-2 inches of compost, this adds key nutrition, but also adds the opportunity for beneficial organisms to have an environment conducive to keeping your soil happy.
3) NEVER leave bare, exposed compost or topsoil. We call this "Naked Soil Syndrome" and this leads to all of the above problems.

By | 2016-02-21T14:32:29-08:00 February 21st, 2016|Mosses|0 Comments

Selaginella Plant Or Clubmoss

There are about 700 varieties of Selaginella which are often referred to as Spikemoss or Arborvitae Ferns. Selaginella are very diverse in their size and in the ways in which they grow. Many can be found growing wild in tropical America, Asia, China, Japan, North America, Mexico, South Africa and Australia. Selaginella, depending upon the variety, may be a creeping, climbing, or trailing plant.

Most prefer moist but well drained locations in shade to part shade. Amend sand or heavy clay soil by incorporating a two- or three-inch layer of compost or humus. Plant quart or gallon-sized containers a foot or so apart. Water as needed to maintain damp soil. Fertilize in early spring just as new growth begins with all-purpose, slow-release fertilizer.

Some species have specific cultural care needs. Here is some info. on some of the more common species:
Selaginella kraussiana, which is also called Spreading Club Moss or Trailing Moss, grows about ½ inch high and has a limitless spread. S. kraussiana has very small bright green leaves that overlap on trailing jointed stems. Selanginella martensii is a small bushy plant that grows about 7-9” tall and just as wide. S. martensii has thick, multi-branched stems filled with small green leaves. S. lepidophylla, a native of desert and semi-desert regions, doesn’t get enough water, the leaves roll into tight brown balls (a phenomenon known as cespitose) and the plant becomes totally dormant. Once the plant gets some moisture, the leaves open up flat, turn green, and the plant starts to grow again. This is how it gets its nickname, the Resurrection Plant.

By | 2015-11-13T20:53:12-08:00 December 10th, 2015|Mosses|1 Comment