House Plants

/House Plants


    The plant resembles a Polyscias species, but we need to see a close-up photo of the foliage to be sure. If it is, we think it might be a P. quifoylei 'Quinquefolia', common name celery-leaf aralia. It is a columnar plant and a slow grower taking several years to reach 4-6 ft. Needs warmth and will often drop its leaves if temperatures dip below 70 degrees F. Also place near an east, south or west window where it will receive a half day of bright, indirect sunshine. Naturally lighted atriums, heated sunrooms, and greenhouses are also excellent locations. Water sparingly when the soil feels dry down to the first knuckle and do not allow the plant to sit in water as this may lead to root rot. Feed with a slow-release or organic fertilizer formulated for container plants.

    By | 2016-04-02T22:12:41-07:00 April 2nd, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments


      This appears to be a vase Bromeliad of which there are several species and many, many cultivars. All vase Bromeliad plants do best when the vase-like leaf base if filled with water, preferably deionized water (steam iron water) rather than tap water. Empty and change water frequently to keep the cup clean. They thrive in bright, indirect light planted in soil with good drainage. Do not allow plant to sit in water as this may lead to root rot. Fertilizer twice a year with either a slow release or organic liquid food formulated specifically for bromeliads. Once the colorful bracts of the "mother plant" is spent, pups will form and the mother plant will eventually die. Can also be grown outdoors where weather is mild under shade or filtered light.

      By | 2016-04-02T19:59:40-07:00 April 2nd, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments


        Your plant appears to be a Croton, a tropical plant prized for its amazing variation in contrasting colors and markings. Outdoors where there is no frost, needs rich, well-draining soil, full sun, and fertilizer twice a year if you desire new growth. Does not tolerate freezing temperatures. Crotons have a wide variety of variegation possibilities, ranging from green with pink ribs and spots to flecked with yellow or wildly colored with red and yellow and even dark green. There are even new leaf shapes and sizes. Generally more intense sunlight brings out more intense variegation. Also popular as a houseplant - indoors, does best in bright indirect light, regular water and feed with a slow release or organic fertilizer formulated for container houseplants.

        By | 2016-04-02T07:50:50-07:00 April 2nd, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

          Moth Orchid

          The flowers are a bit blurry in this picture. However from the foliage we feel this is a Phalaenopsis. Phalaenopsis s one of the easiest orchids to grow indoors. To get it to rebloom, make sure it gets enough light (bright east or west window) and feed with a bloom booster fertilizer (a fertilizer with a higher middle number or a slow-release fertilizer formulated for orchids). It does not tolerate temperatures below 60-65 degrees F. When in bud or bloom, the plant must be kept above 65 degrees or the buds will turn yellow and drop. Do not overwater. Do not allow to sit in water as this leads to root rot. Water until it flows out the drainage holes in the bottom before setting it another container if it is in a pot within a pot.

          By | 2016-04-01T22:45:45-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

            Spider Plant

            Your plant's foliage indicates it is a spider plant. Mature spider plants bear small white clusters of flowers and small offsets (baby plants) at the end of elongated stems. Both 'Vittatum' and 'Variegata' have white striped leaves. Easy to grow in baskets to best display the babies that fall on long stems, giving the plant its other common name, airplane plant. Outdoors does best in filtered light or partial shade, with regular water and fertilize with a slow release or organic food formulated for perennials. Indoors needs well-drained potting mix, water sparingly - only when the soil feels dry to the touch down to the first knuckle. As with your other houseplants, feed with a slow release or organic fertilizer formulated for container houseplants.

            By | 2016-04-01T19:48:03-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

              Jerusalem Cherry

              Native to Peru and Ecuador, they can survive frosts and cold weather, and is grown as a houseplant. Jerusalem Cherries are not edible and should be planted in a rich, well drained potting soil, and kept moist during their active growing cycle. They grow best in a bright, sunny window. (south facing)
              Feed with a liquid 5-10-5 'blooming houseplant' fertilizer every two weeks while the plant is growing vigorously.
              Discontinue feeding as soon as your plant has finished blooming.
              After all the 'cherries' have dropped, cut your plant back drastically, and next spring, after all danger of frost has passed, plant it outside in a partly sunny part of your garden.
              These are related to tomatoes but are highly poisonous to dogs, cats, and some birds. Do not eat them.

              By | 2016-04-01T06:05:53-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

                Zz Plant Zanzibar Gem

                Zamioculcas is grown as an ornamental plant, mainly for its attractive glossy foliage. It can be kept outdoors as long as the temperature does not fall below 60 degrees. Over-watering may destroy this plant; erring on the side of dryness is preferable to risking tuber rot. A quarter or eighth strength liquid fertilizer such as fish emulsion or worm-cast liquid may be used once a month at the warmest period for potted specimens. To avoid leaf sun scald, provide bright, indirect light for Zamioculcas, although it will tolerate very low light. Some sun will be tolerated, very early in the morning for hot districts – morning or afternoon for cooler districts. Do not use leaf shine products on the leaves. Indoors does best in bright indirect light.

                By | 2016-04-01T05:28:27-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

                  Purple Shamrock

                  Your plant appears to be an Oxalis bred for its dark purplish-maroon-pink triangular shaped foliage. This plant is ideal in containers. Indoors needs bright indirect light. Leaves fold up when light levels drop. Grows from a bulb. Outdoors does well in full sun or light shade during mild weather. When planted in protected places in the northeast it may even live through mild winters, but it isn't considered a perennial in your area.

                  Sometimes these plants lose their leaves as winter goes on - don't worry, it's not dead if yours does this. Keep the soil slightly moist but not wet, and when summer returns put the pot outside in a shady or part-shade location, and start to fertilize. Very quickly you'll see new growth emerge.

                  By | 2016-04-01T04:21:12-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

                    Spider Plant Problem

                    This kind of damage is fairly typical for spider plants. This plant doesn't look that bad actually. It just needs some grooming. Trim off all the brown sections. Cut the leaf tips at an angle so they don't look odd. However, without inspecting the soil and container it is hard to say what the problem is. Are there drainage holes in the bottom of the container? How much sun is it getting? What kind of soil is it planted in? Make sure the container has drainage holes so that the water can drain out completely, otherwise root rot may result. Place in an area that receives bright, indirect light and water when the soil feels dry down to the first knuckle. And the potting soil medium should be a commercial, sterile mix that is well-draining.

                    By | 2016-04-01T00:41:29-07:00 April 1st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments

                      Draceana Problem

                      Dracaenas are especially sensitive to fluoride and chlorine in the water and the browning may be due to this. Chlorine can be elimnated from water by letting the water sit out overnight. However, if you water is treated with fluoride, there's not much you can do short of installing an appropriate filter and/or growing less sensitive plants. It would help that the plant should be in full sun, not part sun. I would also suggest that you repot it into a pot that is slightly broader and has a drain hole. Use potting mix, not garden soil. When watering you should water it until the water runs out the bottom of the pot. Let drain for an hour then put it back in the usual place. Water when the top 2 inches are dry by sticking your finger in as deep as the second knuckle.

                      By | 2016-03-31T00:57:39-07:00 March 31st, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments