Asiatic Hybrid Lily

//Asiatic Hybrid Lily

    Your cut flower is likely an Asiatic hybrid lily. Unfortunately, there are so many hybrids and species that we cannot identify the specific cultivar for you. As plants, they grow from bulbs and are easy to grow and one of the most reliable growers in the garden. Also, they bloom in late spring or summer depending on the species and cultivar, some fragrant, some not. Yours florist variety was likely greenhouse grown and forced to bloom in late winter/early spring. They do best when planted in direct sun and regular water. Continue to care for them after the flowers are spent and until the foliage yellows and dies back and they will come back year after year. Popular as a cut flower for their beauty and often for their fragrance.

    By | 2016-03-25T19:34:44-07:00 March 25th, 2016|Bulb Plants|0 Comments

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