This looks to be a combination of cultural problems, and I’m pretty sure you can’t save it. The fact that it is losing the green color (and is probably getting a little soft) is a pretty good indication of root collapse and / or a fungal condition as well. Since I really don’t know all of its conditions or what you have done to it besides the fertilizer, here’s what you should to to keep one healthy. Regarding the fertilizer, cactus are very light feeders and really need little to none as far as food. You can feed them once a month in the hottest months of the year when they are growing (by you May through August) with an all purpose balanced food like you did, but mixed to 1/4 strength of the package instructions. Make sure that the potting mix it is in drains really well and doesn’t stay soggy. When you water, water thoroughly and don’t water again until the soil has become almost dry. Never let it stand in water. It should have full sun or bright light all the time as much as possible. Indoors in the winter it will be basically dormant and should still receive as much sun or light as possible, little water, maybe once a month, and no food.
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