Buffalo Berry Soapberry

/Tag:Buffalo Berry Soapberry

Buffalo Berry Soapberry

This appears to be the shrub Canadian buffalo berry, russet red buffalo berry, soap berry. If you can send us a clear, close up of the leaf arrangement and berries, we'd like to take a closer look. Here's the info on Canadian buffalo berry:
Shepherdia canadensis covers area from Nova Scotia, Canada down south to New York and Ohio on the east coast of North America, and from Alaska down south to New Mexico and Arizona following the Rocky Mountains. It extends through the northern states of the United States.

Climate, elevation
It is most common in dry to moist open woods and thickets and found in lowlands to middle elevation forests. Approximately 4950 feet – 8200 feet.

Local occurrence (where, how common)
Shores, riverbanks, dry slopes, moist north slopes, open rocky woods, and occasionally in calcareous marshes. It forms dense thickets along riparian zones and valley bottoms.

Habitat preferences
It generally does best in partial shade, nutrient poor soils, and dry to moist water conditions.

By | 2016-02-20T13:19:17-08:00 February 20th, 2016|Shrubs|1 Comment