Asiatic Lily

/Tag:Asiatic Lily

Asiatic Lily

Asiatic Lily's have beautiful, striking flowers. However, like most perennials, the flowers only last one to two weeks at most, depending on the weather. The petals will begin to wilt and then fall off. The foliage remains green for some time but also begins to yellow and die back. Once the foliage has yellowed to the ground, you can prune it off to tidy up the garden bed. The good news is that your lily will return next year, usually with even more blossoms.

This inquiry came in for a pest or disease identification. Although the picture is a bit fuzzy, we don't see any pests or diseases other than the natural progression of bloom fade. If we've missed something on the leaves please send us another close up, sharp photo of the pest or problem and we'll do our best to identify it.

By | 2017-09-11T15:49:20-07:00 March 14th, 2016|Perennials|0 Comments